伍輝金屬工業股份有限公司於西元1983年成立於台中市南區,致力於金屬熱處理加工與研究,早期公司生產設備以箱型爐、連續爐與坑式爐為主,主要服務項目為手工具及部分的小型零件。 民國87年因客戶產品類型轉換及設備汰換,故將設備全數變更為滴注式箱型爐,除了能提高穩定度及高品質製程外,生產項目也從手工具類型慢慢轉為汽機車零件居多,但因廠房設備侷限於區 域關係始終無法增加產能及提升品質,於民國100年時遷廠至台中市霧峰區並增加檢測及生產設備,以提供客戶更優良穩定的技術及更快速交期的產品品質。
Wellbright was founded in 1983, in Southern District, Taichung City. We have been dedicated to metallic heat treatment processing. In early days, case furnace, Swiss-made continuous furnace and pit-type furnace were our main production equipment. Main products used to be hand tools and some kinds of small parts.
In 1998, since our customers had been altering the type of their products , we were also advancing our production equipment upon drip feed case furnace. By doing so, we will be able to enhance the quality and the stability of our products. Furthermore, automotive parts then became our main products. To enlarge the productivity and to elevate the quality, we moved to Wufeng Dist, Taichung City in 2011.
Wellbright obtained ISO9001 in 2000 and TS 16949 in 2008. We also introduced electronic record system preserving the data of maintenance and online monitoring and controlling. Products from incoming materials to shipments can be tracking digitised and controlling.